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Great American Song Contest

All entrants in the Great American Song Contest are sent an entry confirmation and Judging Schedule when their songs are entered.

Upon entering the Great American Song Contest, all participants receive an entry confirmation and Judging Schedule. If you haven't received the schedule, it may be due to a spam filter. To ensure you receive updates from GASC, please add our email address ( to your safe list.

Below is the current Judging Schedule. Please review it. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us for assistance.


After the annual deadline, songs are categorized and assigned to judges for evaluation. This thorough process takes approximately 10 to 12 weeks to complete, ensuring every song receives careful consideration.

Unlike other contests, the Great American Song Contest provides detailed evaluations for all entries (except of course those entered in the "No Evaluation" category.)

Results will be announced on the Great American Song website by March 30. Winners in each category will be contacted prior to the announcement.

Approximately one week after the winners are announced, entrants will receive judges' evaluations and a contest summary.

Thank you for participating. We wish you the best of luck in your songwriting endeavors.

Carla Starrett
Event Coordinator / GASC



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