'No Evaluation' option:

Save $10 per entry by choosing 'No Evaluation' while still enjoying all other contest benefits.

Why does GASC offer this option?

While our judges' evaluations are highly valued, managing and processing them takes extra time. The 'No Evaluation' choice appeals to songwriters seeking lower fees without critiques. Those less concerned with evaluations can opt for reduced entry fees.

If I choose the No Evaluation option, do I still have the same chance to win prizes and be heard?

Yes! All songs are reviewed equally for fair consideration. Opting for 'No Evaluation' simply means you won't receive feedback—it won't impact your chances of winning or gaining visibility in the competition.

How to enter your songs:

  1. Choose a form below to enter your contact information, songs and/or lyrics.
  2. You can enter multiple songs using the same form, up to a limit of 10.
  3. MP3 format audio is preferred. Individual songs should be under 10MB.
  4. Uploading time varies based on your connection speed. Please be patient.
  5. After uploading, you'll be directed to a secure PayPal page for entry fee payment.
  6. You'll receive a confirmation email once your songs and payment are processed.

    No Evaluation Entry Form-$30/song

    Classic Entry Form-$40/song



    Questions? Contact Us


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