20th Annual Great American Song Contest
First Place winner / Lyric Writing
"Story of the Talking Frog"
by Roy Gamse
[Sound effect: Rib-bit]
My name is Paddy Sullivan, I’m from Killarney town
O’er sixty years I sailed the seas, I’ve been the whole world round
I’ve sailed for many captains, and survived a shipwreck too
A salty dog I am through and through
I’m old enough and worn enough, don’t go to sea no more
And my old friends from Kerry mostly sick or lost at war
I no longer seek out danger, though, I’ll drink a pint or three
I mostly just prefer se-re-ni-ty
“Twas fishing on Lough Muckross last Tuesday afternoon
Watchin’ divers in the sky, I think you call them loons
Was drifting in my rowboat, half a nap I took
Didn’t even have no bait upon my hook
Was restin’ with one eye closed just like a worn out pup
When suddenly I heard a voice it said “please pick me up”
Looked quickly all around me, saw water, nothing more
No boats and not a soul upon the shore
[Sound effect: Rib-bit]
Once again I heard the voice “pick me up” says she
I perked my ear and figured the voice came from the lee
I looked o’er the starboard side, then I swore “Egad!!”
A frog sat there upon a lily pad.
[Sound effect: Rib-bit]
My eyes were wide with wonder, my mind was in a fog
“Pick me up and kiss me” insists this talking frog
“Kiss me and you’ll break the spell, to a beauty I’ll transform
And all through the night I’ll keep you warm.”
My mind was racing madly did not know what to do
Could it be that I was dreaming? not sure I really knew
Then not thinking clearly, I grabbed that amphibian flirt [Rib-bit]
And I put her in the pocket of my shirt
She looked up “what‘cha doing? do I have to spell it out?
Kiss me and you’ll be amazed, of that there is no doubt
I am a gorgeous princess if you rid me of this hex
I’ll reward you with the most amazing sex!”
“Your offer’s mighty tempting,” I looked down to say
“Been oh so long since I’ve had sex, and never in this way
I’d like to taste your favors, but for this old salty dog
At my age … I’d rather have … a talking frog”
[Sound effect: Rib-bit]
© Copyright Roy Gamse
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50 awards in 10 genres, plus $10,000 in cash and
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10 categories: Pop, Rock, Country, Folk, Lyric
Writing, Instrumental and more...  |
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